FingerWorks 6 features an all new interface designed around ease of use. With simple drag and drop features, social media integration and more we will cover in this user guide.
- Download the latest installer here *insert download page link*
- Once downloaded, double click the installer and follow the prompts.
- Connect your video source and launch with the desktop shortcut.
- You will be prompted to start a watermarked trial version or to enter your purchased serial code. Enter your serial code or hit start trial.
Press Menu and Video IO. From this menu you’ll be able to select a support video IO platform such as Bluefish444, Blackmagic or NDI depending on the version you purchased. This will enable your video input source. Once
Importing Clips
To import a clip, copy your clips into the Config/AssetsToImport folder. Once placed in the folder, open FingerWorks and it will start to process the media.
1. Media Menu
This menu shows the files that are being imported and what has completed.
Once completed they will be able to play in the presentation mode.
(see 6. Clip Bar for more information)
Presentation Mode
Presentation mode allows you to control videos and place tools from the client. Press the presentation icon in the top right to open presentation mode.
How to Use the Presentation Mode
Presentation mode will enable a tool bar and the play mode bar.
1. Drag Handles
Click and hold on the handles to drag the tool bar and play bar to move them around to any position. If you drag the play bar to the bottom of the screen it will go into horizontal mode. (see 5. Horizontal)
2. Exit Presentation Mode
This button will exit the presentation mode back to the main screen.
3. Play Pause Button
The play pause button is used to play, pause, fast forward and rewind.
A. Click the play button to play and pause
B. Drag the play button up to slomo forward or fast forward
C. Drag the play button down to slow rewind or fast rewind
4. Time Stamp and Speed
This top number shows the time of the clip. The bottom number displays the speed that the clip is playing at.
5. Forward Frame / Back Frame
The left icon is to go back a frame. The right icon is the go forward a frame.
6. Clip Bar
This button opens the clip bar to change clips.
• Click a clip to start to play.
• Drag left or right to access clips if you have more than five.
Horizontal and Vertical Mode
• Drag the Play Bar to the bottom portion of the screen to have the play bar go into horizontal mode.
• Drag the Play Bar above 2/3 to enable vertical mode.
• Once in horizontal mode the user can play pause and select clips as normal.
1. Disable Horizontal Mode
To disable horizontal mode open the file SaveFiles/GlobalOptions.json.
Change “presentationModeFlipThreshholdY”: -279.0
To “presentationModeFlipThreshholdY”: -500.0
This will not allow the play bar to flip to horizontal.
Presentation Mode Settings
The presentation mode settings will change the interaction options with the tool bar and clip bars and whether to use full screen or not when going into presentation mode.
• Play Bar Idle Opacity – The opacity when the toolbar has not been touched
• Play Bar In Use Opacity – The opacity when the toolbar is touched
• Play Bar Idle Delay – The time from when the toolbar is touched to when it starts to enable Idle Opacity
• Play Bar Timeout Delay – The time it takes to go from In Use to Idle opacity
• Use Full Screen Video – When presentation mode is activated, the video will go to full screen
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Recommended System Requirements
- Windows 10
- Intel Core i7 Skylake or Better
- nVidia GeForce GTX 1050ti 4GB or better (Optical tracking may require a better graphics card)
- Blackmagic Decklink 8K Pro (For SDI video support)
- Gigabit Ethernet (For NDI)
Minimum System Requirements
Note some features may not function with these hardware specs
- Windows 7
- Intel Core i5 Skylake or Better
- Intel Integrated Graphics
- Gigabit Ethernet
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